Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Those of us following Nancy Grace and the Tot Mom who probably (used loosely) murdered her then two-year-old daughter have heard the jailhouse tapes and endless interviews with anyone who happens through the Tot Mom's Florida neighborhood. Most remarkable has been the absolute ease with which Tot Mom tells one lie after another trying to explain herself. Lies that are easily proved wrong.

The following is paraphrased. I've admitted I watch the show. But I deny memorizing it.
One of the interviewers asked an interviewee, "Why does she keep right on with the same self-destructive behavior after she can see that it isn't working?"

The interviewee responded, "Because Casey Anthony only thinks ten minutes at a time. Just let me get myself out of this mess and I'll worry about the rest later."

I've been thinking about a simple way to introduce the THINKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM. The quickest description is that the TGS is that part of our brain able to consider WHAT HAPPENS AFTER 10 MINUTES after we choose an action. I know, I don't like it either, but just doing whatever we have to do to get rid of immediate anxiety, doesn't work out so well.

10 Minute Fixes: TOO MUCH of something that's okay in moderation--shopping, saving money, alcohol, internet surfing, food, dog scratching, sex, computer games [Solitaire should come with a warning: Kiss your life good-bye, this game is familystyle crack.], studying, partying, gardening, journaling, talking to strangers, talking, isolation, etc.

No guilt remember. Guilt is one of those 10 minute fixes.

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